Illuman Apiary

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The Magic of Bee Pollen (seriously, its magic)

We are confident that you need to hold onto your heads because your minds are about to be blown! The process, the diligence and the miracle make bee pollen enough for all of us to become life-long bee advocates.

Since bee pollen is so unbelievably good for you, we will explain what it is, how it is made, and what the oo-la-la health benefits are!

Notice the tiny pollen particles all over the body of the bee. How amazing is that?

The most well known function of the worker bee is pollination. Pollination could be considered the first stage of reproduction of the plant in whatever form the plant propagates itself- such as fruit (and then the seeds from the fruit) or nuts. The worker bees pollinate by moving the pollen from one flower to another with their little hairs all over their body that catch the pollen and carry it from plant to plant. Bees pollinate about 80% of green growing things.

So, what’s the deal with bee pollen?

Bee pollen happens when the female worker bee scrapes off the powdery loose pollen from the stamen of the flower with her jaws and front legs. Then, she moistens it with a dab of the honey she brought with her from the hive. On the back of her legs she has a set of bristles called pollen combs. She uses these combs to brush the gold powder from her coat and legs in mid-flight. As if that weren’t awesome enough, she then presses down the pollen with a part of her leg called  the auricle, which is used as a hammer. The pollen is pushed into her pollen baskets, located on the outside of her calves (tibias) and are surrounded by a fringe of long hairs. When the bee's pollen baskets are fully loaded, the microscopic pollen has been pushed down into a single colorful ball.

When the bees package pollen like this, we call them saddlebags because they look like the bags attached to a horse or motorcycle. So awesome!

Isn’t that amazing!!???

Scientists have tried to replicate bee pollen in the lab and so far it has not been possible. The bees add another enzyme, let’s call it miracle juice, that humans have not been able to create synthetically.

This bee pollen is then brought back to the hive for food and storage. Each cell in the comb is packed with a pollen ball.  Then, an egg is laid on top of the ball and the cell is sealed. Once born, the baby bee will first eat its way through the pollen ball.

This is a picture of our first pollen harvest! Notice the different colors of pollen which make up the diversity of different plants they come from...

Making bee pollen is no small task. It takes one bee working eight hours a day for one month to gather one teaspoon. Each bee pollen pellet contains over two million flower pollen grains and one teaspoonful contains over 2.5 billion grains of flower pollen!

What are the insane health benefits of bee pollen?

Bee pollen is considered a super food because it contains roughly 14 vitamins, 28 minerals, 11 enzymes and co-enzymes, and 14 fatty acids. Bee pollen is richer in proteins than any animal source. It contains more amino acids than beef, eggs, or cheese of equal weight.

Here are some proven positive health benefits of bee pollen:

* Increase in immune system. A considerable and simultaneous increase of both white and red blood cells is observed. When bee pollen is given to anemic patients, their levels of hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying red blood cells) increase considerably.

* Normalizing cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Of those who regularly consumed bee pollen, they saw a decrease of cholesterol and triglycerides. High-density lipoproteins (HDL) increased, while low-density lipoproteins (LDL) decreased. A normalization of blood serum cholesterol levels was also seen.

Stabilization of weight.

Delays of cancer and its effects. On cancer patients treated with bee pollen and chemo they found an increase in antibody production compared to the control group.

Help with infertility (stimulation of ovarian production).

Allergy remedy if taken 6 weeks before allergies occur and on a consistent basis.

Increase in strength and stamina.

Rejuvenation of skin and stimulation of cell renewal.

Too good to be true? Try it for yourself to see. Check out our supply of bee pollen by clicking here!

Also, see our all-natural products in our store!

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